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New Zealand




The land and the residents


New Zealand is composed of two island. It is often a forgotten country. It is an Island full of richness that fill you up with a feeling of freedom and make you feel like a grain of sand in front of all this beauty.

Between mountains, lakes, greenland, sheep everywhere, this country is a pure beauty



native people simplicity, their kidness, and the Maori culture will touch your heart. Here everythign is possible: extrem sports, ( bungy jumping...), hiking, cycling trips, relax time at dreaming beach...



New Zealand, it is: mountains, lakes, greenland, sheep, volcanos, a superposition of coulour we can't  imagine.

The simplicity of its residents, its kindness, and Maori culture will touch your heart.



Cost of life


If you decide to take the adventure in New Zealand, don't expect to get the biggest saving of your life. cost of life is high and salary is at least twice lower than australian one.

Kiwis live simply, like their country, nature, and respect their surrounding.





New Zealander system is a commonwealth country system. It is possible to quieckly get a visa to live in New Zealand for a year or spend holidays.

Regarding your profil, you must be well guided so you can enjoy this peaceful country as it should be.

If kiwi governement warmly welcome tourist people, such a trip at the other side of the world must be well prepared  


Did you know?


 At school, kids are trainned nin case of an earthquake, reality in new zealand ( it is possible you feel one while you're there)


Hitch hiking is allowed. In South Island, most of people has already hitch hike in their life, a lot of people travel around the country hitch hiking, to go to work, go on holiday..


Taxes are deduced of your payslip. it is possible to claim a part when you leave the country.


° Fruit picking is part of most of travellers life in New Zealand


°  There is a lot of agremments between Australia and New Zealand, included free circluation of their residents. ( like the one in europe)



I guide you so you are aware of everything, and you can enjoy your stay as much as possible.

 I crossed the country by bicycle, alterning work and leasure for a year. I can bring you my experience

of the land so you make the best of what this amazing country has to offer.

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