General Terms and Conditions of Sales
Services Provision, coaching in immersion abroad
Article 1: gernerals terms
This document and all the online documents written in english are the translation of the french version. It is only translated for the client ‘s information, all the prices will be given in euros and can be converted.
These document governs the provision of services by DRAGONFLYTHEWORLD, named the « service provider » and his client. If there is no contract signed between them, the provisions of service are subject to these general terms and conditions of sales.
Every order connotes the full subscribtion to these conditions of sales.
The fact that the provider doesn’t apply a stipulation in his favor doesn’t mean to be understood as a renunciation to it.
The term and conditions of sales apply to all the sales made through the compagny’s website, that is part of the contrat between the provider of service and the client.
The provider can modify it, at any time, upadating his website. The applicable gerneral terms and conditions of sales are the one at the date of the payment ( or if there are several payment, at the first one)
The general terms and conditions of sales can be viewed on the compagn’ys website : www.dragonflytheworld.com
Article 2 : description of the service
The provider advice the client about the immersion in one of the country suggested and guide him, help him in his process in order to optimise his chances of success.
According to the type of estimate, the provider can advice the client not to go to the country, regardless his profil and budget,and to charge his provision.
The services can be purchased as a package or separately ; « à la carte ».
The choosen service is written on the estimate and the mission letter if there is one. The provider isn’t a travel agent, he cannot process to any booking unstead of the client. Every booking needs to be made byt the client at this charge ( accomodation, transportation…) if needed, the provider can suggest appropriate professionnels to the client to book for him. If a pre-insertion depeature is planned, every personnal spend is at the client charge too.
Article 3 : estimates and orders
The providers is only working on the client’s demand, giving to him an estimate. If the estimate recquieres a deep analys, he can be charged. A deposit will be payed as a payment of the futur provision. The ammount will be written on the estimate.
The estimate showss the eventuals due-dates or discounts.
Regarding the type of provision, a lettter of mission worthing as a contrat is written.
Article 4 : Price
Prices and services are detailed in estimates or contracts, accpeted by the client. They are calculated in euros (€) ,and can be converted in the client’s country currency.
The VAT isnt applicable, regarging the article 293B of the french tax code.
Prices can be calcultated by hour, day or package.
Both parties agree the totality of the payment equals final acceptation of the provision. The price can never bee negociated after that the prestation has been done.
Article 5: Terms of payment
The payment needs to be done immediately, at the order. The payment can be made by cash, or bank transfert or paypal.
Article 6 : delay of payment
Every delay or fault of payment will engender:
Immeadiate elligibility of all the money still due
The count and payment of a late penalty as an interest equaling 3 times the legal interest rate.
This penalty is calculated on the amount tax free of the amount still due, starting from the date of payment written on the receipe,until the total payment, without any reminder being necessary. The rate is calculated regarding the proportion.
The right for the provider to cancel the exectution of the current provision and cancel all new order
Article 7: duration and resilitation of the contract
The duration of the service is definied on the estimate or the letter of mission worthing contract. The time limits given are indicative times. A delay from the provider doesn’t allow the client to cancell or refuse the services. this delay can’t allow a penalty or a refund.
The contrat can be broken from both parties after notice given with any respond from the other partie who doesn’t fullfill his obligations,that are written in this present conditions of sales.
The notice will have to be given in a raisonnable time limit. The partie who didn’t fullfill his obligations would have to remediate to the inexecution of his contractual obligations.
If the contract is finished or broken:
The contract of provision of service will end automatically at the corresponding date
The provider will be unbond from any of his obligations from this gernerals terms and conditions of sales toward the client.
If the client cancel the provision, the provision of services done ,will be due to pay until the date of the resiliation effect
Article 8: obligations and confidentialities:
The provider commits to:
Give a letter of mission to the client,summing up the provision of service, when it includes a departure abroad.
Work with care, as a personnal coach and advisor
Respect the stric confidentiality regarding all the informations the client will bring and definie like it
The provider has a best effort obligation and not an obligation to get result. It’s an obligation to do the best to help the client to immerge in a country but there is no way he can be responsible of what will happenon the way or once in the country.
The client commits to:
All the useful informations to the service provision
Not to use, for an other person or compagny, directly or undirectly, all or a part of the informations given by the provider, without any limit of time.
Pay the provision of service as written in the estimate , when it is signed and the words: “signed and agreed” are written
Use these informations just regarding the provision of service
If the client doesn’t give the informations asked. on time and do not colaborate with the provider, the provider can let the client know that the time limit and the terms planned to the provision of service can’t be followed.
Article 9: tranfert of propriety
The services, products, knowleges are the property of the compagny until the full payment of the price
Article 10: Act of God
None of the parties can be responsible od a delay or the non exectution of the obligations if this delay or malfunction is because of an act of god, definied as it in the french jurisprudence. Each partie will have to prove it by recorded delivrary and prove within 5 open days, the occurrence of the act of god he knows and that it will affect his obligations.
Article 11: responsibility
As explained in the article 8, considering the kind of service, the obligation of the provider is not an obligation of result. His responsibility can’t be engaged for:
A mistake due to a lack of information or wrong informations given by the client
Un delay from the client that will cause draw away the time due planned or written in the french law.
The lack of result regarding the insertion in the choosen country
Any material or unmaterial dammage corporal or uncorporal, that the client wiould get, or during the transportation or during his stay in the country.
The responsibility of the provider, if its proved, will be limited to half of the amount of what the client paid in total for the service, at the sate of the claims by delivery letter
Article 12: period of retractation
As said in article L.121-21 the french consumer code ( code de la consommation), the client has got a 14 days period of retractation. Accepting and signing these generales terms and conditions of sales, the client renunce to his periode of retractation is the provision is given and ended before the 14 days.
Article 13: aplicable law
These generals terms and conditions of sales signed between the provider and the client, and the contracts are guided by the french law. If an amicale resolution can’t be found, the litigations will be submited to Arras court ( Pas de calais department 62 )